Saturday, November 24, 2007

Canadian Economy

As seen above, this is my topic. Before saying why I've chosen this topic, I think Reading Jourrnal is a good way to know more and deeper about canada as well improve English. In fact, since I came to toronto of course, I've tried to read newspaper several times, but the problem is I didn't read the newpaper focusing on one topic, which means I read many articles without any canadian background, such as culture, history,and economy. As a result, I couldn't know why it happened, what was it going to influence canada, things like that. In contrast, now in the class we chose our own topic and searched some articles related to the topic, we've known one specific part of canada more detailedly. So, I decided to take advantage of reading journal to learn canadian economy. In addition, actually canadian economy, especially canadian dollar has a effect on me in terms of living in toronto. If the value of canadian dollar goes up as compared to Korean currency, WON, I'll get less canadian dollar in exchange for the same amount of Krean Won than before. That's one of my reasons why I chose this topic.
Another reason is as you know canada is very develped country other than a huge country. So I was interested in what made canadian economy so strong, and I thought it would help me in my future, maybe when I make a contract with canadian companies. Moreover, I can learn better some economy policies than we use in Korea
Nowdays economy has become one of the most significant aspect of our lives, and it's occupying more and more parts of our lives. We can't ignore iconomic power even though we want to do so as long as we live in the world, human society. Those are the reasons why I chose this topic. I hope I will get to know economy of canada in detail when I finish my reading journal.

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